[45E062live-2017] ALONE - Down On The River (Music To Dreams Live)
Artist: ALONE
Album: Down On The River (Music To Dreams Live)
Label: 45 Echoes Sounds
Catalog: [45E062-2017]
Country Of Artist: Russia
Style: Ambient, Spacebient, Live
Release: 25 July 2017
Tracks: 1
Time: 74:47
(c)Composing, performing,mixing and arwork - Andrew Deviatykh, 2017
Note Release: Night Live Performance On „Music To Dreams-IV“ @ Guslitsa (Russia), 2017-06-17
Живой альбом ‘Down On The River’ в прямом смысле вдохновлён снами и является звуковой иллюстрацией серии снов, связанных с путешествиями по ночной реке. Закройте глаза и представьте, как тихо скрипят старые вёсла, что-то неведомое шуршит в зарослях тростника, на горизонте вспыхивают загадочные всполохи, а над головой простирается бесконечное море звёзд. Вы лежите на дне лодки и смотрите в небо. Вокруг вас лишь водная гладь реки, ночь и музыка, рождённая, кажется, самой рекой.
"Down On The River" - literally inspired by dreams and is an audio illustration of a series of dreams related to travel on the night river. Close your eyes and imagine how the old oars creak softly, something unknown rustles in the reed thickets, mysterious flashes erupt on the horizon, and an infinite sea of stars stretches overhead. You lie on the bottom of the boat and look at the sky. Around you only the water surface of the river, night and music, born, it seems the river itself.
Download & Listen:
Bandcamp (Lossless)
Internet Archive (Free MP3 and FLAC)
Artist info: ALONE it's a electronic musical project from Saint-Petersburg, Russia. A.L.O.N.E style is mixture of a deep instrumental improvisation, ambient sound layers, atmospheric electronic sounds and some ethnic acoustic instruments like jew's'harp and etc.
Artist Web:
Copyright [c] 2017, Released a Creative Commons License For Free Non-Commercial Use As Long As Certain Condition Are met
Personal Copyright:
2017 [c] ALONE / Андрей Девятых
2017 [c] 45 Echoes Sounds, publication, distribution
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