
[45E093-2020] EugeneKha And West REmi - Four

We are happy to present you the new album by the duo “EugeneKha and West Remi”. For the first time, the fourth album of this international project (Russia - Ukraine) is not connected with the history of the fictional planet Inkhe - before you is a collection of ambient sketches not united by a common storyline. However, the sound of the duo is still recognizable: it is still melodic, space ambient interspersed with elements of Electronic New Age, Chillout / Downtempo and Berlin School.


Дуэт EugeneKha And West Remi (INKHE Project) – результат сотрудничества двух композиторов — Евгения В. Харитонова (EugeneKha, Россия) и Ивана Ныщуна (West Remi, Украина). В 2015 году они объединились для создания серии концептуальных альбомов в жанрах космической и научно-фантастической электроники. Музыка Евгения В. Харитонова (EugeneKha) и Ивана Ныщуна (West Remi) — вереница связанных между собой научно-фантастических историй о покорении вымышленной планеты INKHE (в названии планеты и проекта зашифрованы реальные имена музыкантов).


The duet EugeneKha And West Remi (INKHE Project) - is the result of a collaboration between two composers: Evgeny V. Kharitonov (EugeneKha, Russia) and Ivan Nyshchun (West Remi, Ukraine). In 2015, they teamed up to create a series of concept albums in the genres of space and sci-fi electronics. The music of Evgeny (or Evgenij) V. Kharitonov (EugeneKha) and Ivan Nyshchun (West Remi) is a string of related science fiction stories about the conquest of the fictional planet INKHE (the real names of the musicians are encrypted in the name of the planet and the project).


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Wall Of Ambient Sound - Youtube Release

 JULY 30, 2021