Artist: Trans Atlantic Rage/Balogh
Release Name: I::::SOUL::::ATE VOLUME 4
Catalog: 45E015-2013
Country Of Artist: USA
Style: Dark Ambient, Classical
Total time: 74:05
Format: Lossless (FLAC); MP3 320 kbps, VBR MP3
Release date: 15 February 2013
Music created and performed by Jared C. Balogh
Artist Site
Cover A
Cover B
Internet Archive
PDF Booklet
1. Distorted Soul (21:23)
2. Soul Increments (32:19)
3. Soul Patience (20:23)
Artist Info:
Jared C. Balogh is composer, musician and multimedia artist from Bethlehem, Pennsylvania U.S.A.. "i::::soul::::ate" is a series of compositions of soulful, dark ambient music that has influence of classical and jazz that is written by both Jared C. Balogh audio projects Trans Atlantic Rage and Jared C. Balogh. So in essence it is a self collaboration of both audio projects created by Jared C. Balogh. Volume 1 was released on Sirona Records (France) as a free download, Volume 2 was released Blek Blekk (Norway) and free download that also includes 5 videos created by Jared C. Balogh of each song. The videos are available to video on Vimeo and soon will be released on dvd-r and Volume 3 was released on Inner Cinema (Austria) as free download. All three series are also published on Free Music Archives.
Jared C. Balogh Web:
Free Music Archives (i::::soul::::ate Volume 1, 2 and 3)
Copyright [c] 2013, Released a Creative Commons License For Free Non-Commercial Use As Long As Certain Condition Are met
Personal Copyright:
© Jared C. Balogh, 2013
© Publisher and distributor by 45 Echoes Sounds, 2013
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